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Mennen Sports Arena Rules and Regulations

By Beth Kienzlen 09/13/2024, 7:30pm EDT

Morris County Park System Rules & Regulations for ice rentals.

All teams will need to download and read the below PDF regarding the rules and regulations for ice rentals.    

Concussion Awareness and Information

By Beth Percevault 09/17/2016, 3:15pm EDT

Important Information on Concussions

In keeping in compliance with the league insurance company, all towns must be made aware and follow certain concussion protocols.

Please visit the following link for more information on concussions and your responsibilities as coaches, parents and players:

We recommend that each organization require parents and players to view these videos, take the free, online courses and print their certificates to show they have taken the course.

We will discuss new protocols and requirements for the league at our upcoming board meeting.